




Purpose, scope, basis and definitions


Purpose and scope


ARTICLE 1- (1) These Procedures and Principles are regulated in order to determine the number of students who can be employed part-time in temporary jobs in higher education institutions according to Article 46 of the Higher Education Law No.2547, the selection of students, their employment, weekly working hours and other issues.




ARTICLE 2- (1) These Procedures and Principles have been prepared based on the last paragraph of Article 46 of Law No. 2547, as amended by Article 20 of Law No. 5917.




ARTICLE 3- (1) In these Procedures and Principles; following definitions are used:

a) Department:  Department of Health, Culture and Sports of higher education institutions

b) Unit: Units where part-time students work

c) Unit Manager: The managers of the units where part-time students work.

ç) Part Time Student: A student who is employed part time in temporary jobs in higher education institutions and is not considered as a worker,

d) Higher Education Institution: Universities and High Technology Institutes


Determining the number of students to be employed part time


ARTICLE 4- (1) The units notify their need of the students they want to employ part-time in temporary jobs, together with the reasons for their employment, to the Department of Health Insurance until the end of September.


(2) The number of students that the units will employ part time; tasks that the units have to fulfill, features of units, need of human resources, cost of part-time student employment are determined by the Head of the Department by taking into account the budget possibilities, and submitted for the approval of the Rector.




 ARTICLE 5- (1) Part-time student needs of higher education institutions are published on the website of each higher education institution and on the notice boards of each higher education institution by the Head of Department at the beginning of October or in accordance with the provision of the second paragraph of Article 4 of these Procedures and Principles, depending on the qualification of the student and the job. .

  (2) In the announcement, how many part-time students will be employed in which units and in what types of jobs, the nature of the job to be employed, the conditions required for the students to be employed, the weekly working hours and the fee to be paid for one hour of work, the required documents for application, the place and date of application are clearly stated.


Conditions to be sought in students to be employed part-time

ARTICLE 6- (1) Students who are given scholarships by the Institution of Higher Education Credit and Hostels Institution, or who have the conditions for scholarship, can be employed as part-time students in higher education institutions, giving priority to students who meet the following conditions:


a) To be a registered student of the higher education institution where he will be employed, except for a non-thesis graduate student and a special student,

b) Not having received any disciplinary action,

c) Not having an income at the level of minimum wage other than orphan's pension and alimony,

ç) Not having a terminated the contract between the student employed part time and the higher education institution,

d) Having sufficient knowledge, skills and abilities for the job to be employed,

e) Not being a student whose registration is suspended and being a foreign student

f) Studying within the normal education period.


(2) The above conditions are not required for students who certify that they have been damaged by natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and that they are children of martyrs and veterans, and students with disabilities, who are studying within the normal education period, not being a foreign student and not receiving disciplinary punishment.


Selection and submission of students for approval

ARTICLE 7- (1) Part-time students to be employed in higher education institutions are determined according to whether they meet the requirements in Article 6 of these Procedures and Principles, their financial situation, their suitability for the job they will work with in terms of skills and abilities, their weekly course schedule is assessed by the commission formed in the unit where they will be employed and notified to the Department. The list of those to be employed part time by the aforementioned Presidency is submitted to the Rector's approval. The list approved by the Rector is announced on the website of each higher education institution and on the bulletin boards of the units.


Making a contract

 ARTICLE 8- (1) A "Part Time Student Employment Contract" is signed between the student who is decided to be employed part time and the Rectorate.

 (2) The contract made with the student can be renewed upon the request of the student and the approval of higher education institution.


Daily, weekly working hours, administrative and financial provisions


ARTICLE 9- (1) The working period of the students who are employed part-time is at most 15 hours per week.

 (2) The distribution of the working time by the days of the week, starting and ending times of the work are determined by the unit managers.

 (3) Although it is essential not to work on the days that are accepted as national holidays and general holidays in the laws, part-time students are obliged to work on these days upon the request of the unit manager in the units open on weekends, nights and public holidays.

 (4) Students who are employed part-time cannot be accepted as workers due to their work.

(5) Part-time students are deemed to be insured within the scope of item (a) of the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No.5510 in terms of social security, and only the provisions of occupational accident and occupational disease insurance are applied to them. Notifications of part-time students regarding their insurance and termination of insurance are made by the Department.

 (6) The wage to be paid to students who are employed part-time for an hour of work is determined by the university board of directors, provided that it does not exceed one fourth of the daily gross minimum wage determined for workers older than 16 in accordance with Labor Law No. 4857.

(7) Payments to part-time students are made monthly from the budget of the Department.


Job description and job change

 ARTICLE 10- (1) The work and procedures to be performed by the part-time student are defined in advance by the unit he / she works in and the study plan prepared is notified to the student.

 (2) Unit managers can change the job of part-time students in the unit when necessary. However, part-time students in the units cleaning, transportation, etc. They cannot be used in heavy jobs such as.

Obligation to continue work

 ARTICLE 11- (1) Part-time students are obliged to be at work during the determined working hours and cannot leave the workplace without permission before the end of working hours.

Manner, duties and responsibilities of part-time Students

ARTICLE 12- (1) Part-time students cannot act or behave to damage the reputation and dignity of the unit in which they work or the dignity of their duties.

 (2) Part-time students are obliged to be respectful in their relations with their supervisors and colleagues, and to do their work impartially, fully and on time.

(3) Part-time students are obliged and responsible to fulfill the duties assigned to them in line with the relevant legislation principles and the instructions given by their supervisors.

 (4) Part-time students must comply with the working conditions, work discipline, occupational health and safety rules, regulations, circulars and instructions.

 (5) Part-time students are obliged to carry out their work with care and diligence and to protect the State property delivered to them and keep them ready for service at all times.


 ARTICLE 13- (1) These Procedures and Principles enter into force on the date they are signed, effective from 01.09.2009.


 ARTICLE 14- (1) These Procedures and Principles are executed by the President of the Higher Education Council.